For quick reference, we have compiled the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What can residents bring to campus?

Rooms are furnished with beds, desks, desk chairs, closets, dressers, window shades, and floor lamps. To make your residential experience more comfortable you might consider bringing:

  • Pillow, pillowcases, blanket, bedspread, mattress pad, sheets to fit a twin extra-long mattress
  • Towels and washcloths
  • Area rug
  • Mini-Fridge under 4.60 cubic ft.
  • Pots and Pans
  • Battery Operated Fairy Lights
  • Tv/Coaxial Cable/Converter Box
  • Ethernet cable
  • Power strip with surge protector
  • Study/desk lamp (non-halogen bulbs) (except those containing outlets/USB ports)
  • Lock Box
  • Laundry basket & Laundry supplies (detergent, dryer sheets, etc.)
  • Shower caddy & Shower shoes/Flip Flops
  • Toiletries
  • Hair dryer
  • First Aid kit
  • Cleaning products
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Keurig Coffee Maker (Automatic Shut-off)
  • Flash drive
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Laptop/Tablet and charger
  • Gaming systems
  • Hangers
  • Alarm clock
  • Umbrella
  • Fan (large and/or clip)
  • Personal items to decorate the room
  • ATM Card
  • Credit Cards
  • Driver License
  • Insurance Cards
  • Passport/Visa
  • Social Security Card
  • If you are unsure whether specific items are allowed, contact our office at 716-878-3000 for clarification.

Prohibited Items:

Certain items are not allowed within the Residence Halls. If you are unsure whether an item is prohibited and it is not included in the list below, refer to the Student Code of Conduct or Residence Life License Terms and Conditions. You may also contact our office at 716-878-3000 for clarification.

  • Microwave ovens
  • Air Fryers
  • Toaster ovens
  • Rice Cookers'
  • Hot pots or George Foreman type grills
  • Extension cords
  • Multi-Plug adapters
  • Open burner items
  • Candles or incense
  • Pets (except fish in tanks 10 gallons or less)
  • Firearms/weapons, fireworks, etc.
  • Any alcohol if you are under 21
  • Space heaters or air conditioners
  • Steel-tip darts or dart boards
  • Compressed air or CO2 tanks
  • Paintball markers
  • Tapestries
  • Halogen lamps
  • Extra furniture
  • Curtains
  • Fridges over 4.60 cubic ft.
  • Amplifiers
  • Desk lamps with plastic shades
  • Lava lamps
  • Holiday lights
  • Cinder blocks
  • Bed Risers
  • Hookahs
  • Room dividers
  • Hoverboards

Items may be confiscated during Health and Safety and Fire Marshal inspections.

Does Buffalo State supply phones for our rooms?

Students are responsible for providing their own telephone equipment. Each room has one phone outlet. Requests for phone service should be made to Verizon at 890-7100.  For telephone service repairs please contact 890-6611.

Can I have a pet?

The only Pets residents are allowed are fish.  Fish must be in a Ten Gallon Tank or less. (Exceptions may be granted for students requiring service animals.)

Can a student have a car on campus?

First-year and sophomore residents are prohibited from parking on-campus.  See the link for further information on parking. For information concerning permit costs and parking locations, please contact the Student Accounts Office at (716) 878-3400.

Is alcohol allowed on campus?

First -Year Areas (Bengal, Neumann, North Wing, and Perry Hall) are dry areas where no alcohol is allowed.

Unless you are 21 years of age or older, you are prohibited from possessing and/or consuming alcoholic beverages within the residence halls. All use of alcohol within the residence halls must be consistent with New York State and Buffalo State policies. Consumption of alcoholic beverages within the residence halls is a privilege. The Residence Life Office has formulated policies which foster an atmosphere conducive to individual choice and the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is our hope that these policies will prevent alcohol-related behavioral problems, promote your health and safety, and preserve your living environment.

Can I decorate my room?

Yes, you can personalize and decorate your room. Posters, plants, removable borders, decorations, will make your room, suite, or apartment a home away from home.

What are the rules for holiday decorations?

You are not only welcome but encouraged to decorate your hall for all the holidays you and your fellow residents choose to observe. For everyone's safety, we simply ask that you follow these simple guidelines: Only artificial, non-combustible decorations are allowed.

All decorations must be easy to remove.
Decorations should not cause permanent damage to buildings, fixtures, or furnishings.
Unauthorized painting is prohibited.
Decorations may not be attached to electrical fixtures, heat or smoke detectors, or exit signs.
Building exits and hallways must not be blocked.
All decorations, including window decorations, must be removed and areas thoroughly cleaned before hall closing each semester.
No holiday lights are allowed.

Can a resident paint his/her room?

No, but there are many approved ways to make your room, suite, or apartment a home away from home.  You may use posters, plants, and decorations to make your living space comfortable.

Can a resident arrange beds in a bunk style?

Yes, beds can be made into bunks in all the residence halls.  Contact your CD/ACD to make accommodations to get your bed bunked.

Can I use a Bed Riser?

Bed Risers cannot be used. Bed Frames are adjustable, residents can request service via an online work order.  Our maintenance staff will make the adjustments for you.

What are the different living options available to students?

There are a variety of living options available. Bengal, Bishop, Neumann, Perry, and Cassety Halls are corridor style. Towers 1-4 and North Wing are suite style buildings. Moore Complex offers both 2 and three 3 bedrooms apartments available in townhouse or flat layouts. Apartments are a combination of single and double bedrooms with one bathroom, a living area, and a full kitchen. Moore Complex also houses the Family College Program. The Student Apartment Complex (STAC) offers individual rooms in an apartment with four other residents, two bathrooms, a common area, and kitchen. Some floors/buildings focus on special populations and common interests.

Housing Options

How are the buildings staffed?

Each residence hall and apartment complex have Resident Assistants (RAs).  RAs are full‐time paraprofessional students who live in the hall to assist you! Their main goal is to develop a positive community atmosphere. They can provide you with information about campus life, assist you in becoming involved in hall activities, and provide some guidance for any academic or personal concerns.

The Complex Director (CD) is a full‐time professional staff member with a master’s degree. The Assistant Complex Director (ACD) is a full‐time graduate student pursuing a master’s degree at SUNY Buffalo State University. ACDs are supervised by a CD in their daily operation of the residence halls. Both the CD and the ACD oversee the daily operation of the hall, assist with personal problems (like academic concerns, roommate conflicts, and adjusting to college), supervise the hall staff, conduct meetings/hearings, and coordinate special events and programs for the hall. CDs and ACDs hold scheduled office hours during the week and are available in the hall after hours as needed.

Where do I go if I'm locked out of my room?

If you get locked out of your room, please call the Residence Life Office at 716-878-3000 to assist you.  You must produce proper ID to establish and verify the assignment of your room. For the protection of all residents, no one will be admitted to a room if that person is not assigned to that room.

There will be a service fee assessed for multiple lock outs.

  • First lock out of the academic year there will be no service fee assessed.
  • The second lock out of the academic year a $10 service fee may be assessed.
  • The third lock out of the academic year a $25 service fee may be assessed.
  • The fourth lock out of the academic year (and any additional lockouts thereafter) may be assessed a $50 service fee along with a report through the conduct processes.

How do I find out who my roommate is?

Once Housing Application is processed you will see your Hall, Room Number, and Roommate details displayed on your Banner. Click the Student Tab and Scroll down to My Housing – on the screen under the Student Profile silhouette your messages will display. All assignments will be completed by the beginning of the semester informing you of your roommate's name and email address.

What happens if a resident does not get along with his/her roommate?

Living within your floor/suite community, you will find people who have a variety of backgrounds, values, and lifestyles. Students are encouraged to speak directly to roommates in sharing concerns, expressing feelings in an honest manner, and jointly negotiating a resolution to a conflict. On occasion, a student will attempt to resolve a problem, but his/her roommate is unresponsive. In these situations, students should seek the help of their Resident Assistant or Complex Director/Assistant Complex Director.

How can I change rooms?

We in the Residence Life Office believe in providing a comprehensive learning experience in all aspects of our student's lives. This includes the importance of communication and problem solving that comes with campus living and roommate conflict. We do not recommend or perform room changes without residents engaging in a series of mediations with their roommates and Residence Life staff. When students arrive on campus, they are instructed to complete a signed Roommate Agreement detailing their living preferences in a shared space. For further information, students can contact the RA on their floor.

All room/building changes are at the discretion of the Assistant Dean of Residence Life or their designee. Going through conversations regarding the process does not guarantee a room change.

Can I have overnight guests?

Yes, with the permission of your roommate. Guests may stay for up to 72 consecutive hours, but no more than a total of five days per month.  Residents must register their overnight guests with their RA.

Are residents permitted to stay in their rooms during vacations and breaks?

Students are able to request to remain on campus during extended breaks through the academic year (Thanksgiving Recess, Between Fall & Spring, Spring Recess) for many buildings. For buildings aside from STAC and Moore Complex, if a student is approved to stay there will be an additional fee for that period of time.
Approval to stay may not be for the students Fall/Spring assignment. Students may be provided an alternate assignment for the break period. Please E-Mail to request for break housing.

Can students live on campus for all four years?

Yes. Students may also choose to live in a different room within the same building or move to a completely different building. Students are only permitted to live in Bengal and Neumann Halls during their freshmen year.

Are there times when residents must be quiet on the floor?

Residents are responsible for maintaining reasonable conditions for studying and sleeping in the residence halls/apartments. The Residence Life Office has established quiet and courtesy hours.  Quiet hours are 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and 12 am to 10 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. A 24-hour quiet period goes into effect prior to and during final examinations. Courtesy hours always require students to be considerate of the needs of others and to comply with requests for maintaining a reasonable level of noise.

Where can students find a good place to study?

All the residence halls have established quiet and courtesy hours. These policies make the residence hall rooms suitable places to study. Other places for studying include residence hall study lounges, the library, and the classrooms in certain academic buildings.

Please Visit University Police.

Help keep our community safe!
Safety Tips:
  • Always carry your Bengal ID card.
  • Only open the door for yourself and your guests.
  • Assure doors are closed behind you.
  • Always lock your suite/room door.
  • Ask who is at your door before opening your door.
  • Report unusual/suspicious events or people to University Police.
  • Stay with your guests at all times. You are responsible for their behavior.
  • Always secure your items.
UPD - 716-878-6333

Where do I launder my clothes?

There are washers and dryers in each hall. Washers and dryers are free. You can use to view when your load is done and also check for open washers and dryers.

Are there any storage facilities on campus?

There are no storage facilities located on campus. Since storage space is not available to students in the residence halls, students should plan to have boxes, luggage, and trunks returned home on arrival day.

If a resident receives financial aid, what happens if they cannot make their room and board payment when it is due?

All bills, including tuition, and housing fees, are payable as specified on the billing notice. Generally, the fall semester is due in August and the spring semester is due in December. However, students have several options for payment plans, i.e., installment plan. 

For more information, please contact:

Financial Aid Office

(716) 878-4902

Student Accounts Office

(716) 878-4121

Can a housing license be cancelled?

The license is binding for the full academic year. Students will be held responsible for both the fall and spring semesters.

Exceptions will be made for withdrawal from college, transfer, graduation, or study abroad.

Request to Terminate Residence Hall License

Is Cable TV available?

We currently do not offer Cable TV.

Is Internet access available?

Yes! For more information see the Internet Service page.

Where can I submit a work order if something isn’t working?

For more information on submitting work orders, please see the Maintenance and Custodial Services page.